A year on....May 15th or 16th
by Kajan Tamilan

Did it happen? We fell down! We were broken , but eventually we made our selves up. We evolved with new strategies. We went on democratic path with world leaders. With our democratic effort many leaders are now accepting us. Many Tamil leaders are now forced to fight for Tamils because Tamils have become pressure group. Especially the elements who did their politics only by condemning Tigers have no choice other than being Naked in front of People. Douglas Devananda , Sitharthan , and Karuna and some more fake leaders who were employing on Tigers are now have no cover, nothing to do! They have to now show the local Tamils and Tamil Diaspora that how they will lead our struggle ? or are they going to be slaves for ever to Sinhalese ?So it is Tamil Diaspora who did this. Also Sri Lankan government is under heavy pressure now. Sri Lankan forces are virtually closely monitored by us. Every news is spread worldwide. Sri Lanka is scared to act against local Tamils because they know the power of Tamil Disapora. We shall be proud of second generation Tamil youth in many countries, also be proud of their parents who grew them as Tamils. So at last we Tamils have become saviours of Eelam Tamils. We will need to keep the fire alive now.
So May 15th or 16th become very important day for Tamils. This is the weekend close to May 17th , the day Sri Lanka claims defeat of Tamils. What we need to reinstate , that is the day Tamils will rise again. To keep the momentum , we need organisations to unite and organise a massive rallies world wide. Currently we are getting messages from various organisations but I believe main organisations like Global Tamil Forum should coordinate everything and bring Tamils under one roof one this day. We need this as people’s effort with involvement of other Tamil organisations,TYO , SAGT , Tamil schools , Tamil school OBAs and every one should unite to march for common goal. This need to be organised by formal leaders , well in advance. Campaigning and spreading news is very important. To attract the world wide nation it need to be organised on same day. It can include Human Rights organisations and many politicians who will participate. The power is sleeping. All matters is organising such event. Many Tamil youth are looking forward for another rise. Please those who are active in Tamil freedom fight ,make a right move on this weekend , which will enable the event to have huge crowd. Propaganda is very important. People need to be well aware of the day and Time so they can keep the day free.
Lets coordinate and organise a large event worldwide on this weekend day and tell Sri Lanka that Tamils will not give up . Only solution is to listen to Tamils. Only way forward is allow Tamils to enjoy their human rights. Let them chose what they want. Recognising Tamil homeland and accepting the self determination rights of Tamils will be the way forward.
Please organise an event and please begin spreading the news well in advance. We need another stage to raise our voice once again.

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